Sablés Merchants Extraordinaires
What good is the internet if one can’t use it to order delicious cheesy treats directly to one’s door? Not much good at all, we say. So, it comes as a great relief to know that our Pea Green Boat Cheese Sablés are available to purchase online, through our wonderful artisan bakery partner, Shortbread House of Edinburgh.
From delightful farm shops and delis, to the shelves of Fortnum and Mason and Chelsea Market Baskets in New York – our famous cheese sablés can be found across the United Kingdom, as well as much further afield.
Please get in touch to find out what other stores stock our product.
And if there is anywhere you would like to see our sablés on shelves near you soon, please do let us know!
Trade enquiries
What would we be without our wonderful stockists but a boat without a paddle? We love each of you as much as we love cheese. Which we’re sure you understand is no small compliment.
If you would like to stock our award-winning sablés in your store, please, get in touch. We look forward to welcoming you aboard our little Pea Green Boat.
Get in touch
Email: info@peagreenboat.co.uk
Telephone: +44 131 555 5212